Truth Empowers You

Truth Empowers You

You have a life to lead, and it is one life. Why not live it in full and to the best possible quality? You owe your a responsibility to decisions on the kind of life you want to lead.

Your life is built around four things.

  • What you know to be the truth.
  • The truth you don’t know.
    What you do with what know to be the truth
  • What you refuse to do about the truth you know.

If you don’t know the truth, you will become and remain a slave and in bondage to those who know the truth.

If you know the truth and refuse to act on the truth, you will remain a slave and in bondage.

As it is written, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”.

What does it mean to be free?

It means to live a life where you do things because they are the right things to be done, not just because you are told to do them.

It also means you live in good conscience towards yourself and towards others, based on the truth that you know.

To get your life in solid foundation, let this be your guide:

Know the truth. Do the truth and act based on the truth. Work in freedom of conscience. A conscience-free life is the ultimate life.

If you desire to be an outstanding individual, seek the truth. Discover what truth really means by yourself and build your life and career around that truth.  Don’t get discouraged if you dedicated to live by the truth. In the short term, it might seem as if you are losing out , but in the long run, you win and excel.

Truth establishes you, no matter your career or calling.

Decide to live a life of truth, anchored on clear conscience. This is the highest quality life you should aspire to live.

©️Dr. Joseph C. Ibekwe
Leadership & Life Coach


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