Showing 3 Result(s)

Asymmetry of Life

Asymmetry of Life By Joseph Ibekwe   Sometimes it’s like a hoax, a dream! It’s here today, right now! Suddenly, it’s gone. Yes gone! You plan! You wish! You even brag! You attain! You achieve, you even become! Alas! It escapes your grips!   Life is a mystery!  It’s simple, yet complicated. You live it …

12 Things People Regret Most!

12 THINGS PEOPLE REGRET THE MOST BEFORE THEY DIE Everyone has regrets, but what do people regret the most? Learn what they are and make sure not to allow them in your life. BY LOLLY DASKAL President and CEO, Lead From Within@LollyDaskal   Life is full of choices, and many of them come with uncertainty. …

3 Ways to Build a Great Life!

  3 Ways to Build a Great Life! By Joseph C. Ibekwe You exist for a purpose. Youhave a life to live, and you have to build this life. An outstanding life doesn’t come by accident. You create it. The irony is that, whether you are deliberate or indiscriminate about life, one thing is true: …