Right Leadership Determines Everything

Right Leadership Determines Everything

By Joseph C. Ibekwe


Leadership is too critical a matter to be ignored or treated with levity. Leadership determines the developmental trajectory of any family, community or nation. Once there’s right leadership, all other things begin to fall in line. But once there’s wrong leadership, all other things begin to fall out of line.

Once there’s dis-alignment, by reason of wrong leadership, the family, community or nation cannot maximize its potentials. This is the way things are. It is not complex. Therefore, if you desire to maximize your potential as a family, organization, community or nation, the task before you are to seek out right leaders. Right leaders are gender-neutral, that means, right leaders could be male or female. Right leaders may or may not be affiliated to any particular religious persuasion. In other words, the right leader per time, could be of any religious faith or of no faith at all. Leadership selection in a democracy is serious business that must not be left to chance or be orchestrated by emotional sentiments.

Societies that take time to nurture leaders for public service perform far better than those societies that treat leadership development with levity. Being deliberate about anything is what guarantees you maximum results. At FLED International Leadership Institute, we are deliberate about nurturing the right leaders and releasing such leaders into the public space for impact. This is what we have been doing for the past 23 years.

The Leadership Induction we conduct enrolls you into continuing leadership nurturing. It’s to reshape your mind and impart you with values that drive transformational leaders around the world. It’s unacceptable that you are part of a leadership ecosystem for a period of one to two years and you still exhibit those noxious values that characterize the everyday leadership landscape in our environment – where leaders are chosen, not by reason of their character and competence, but by reason of their ethnicity and religious affiliation. It is atrocious that as a person inducted into public leadership, you still make choice of leaders based on what you or your tribal group will gain, not on what the majority of the citizens will gain.

To nurture leaders with holistic outlook to life and to societal development and prosperity is not an easy task. But that’s what FLED is committed to accomplishing. We know that everyone is ethnic, most people are religious, and that majority of the people make decisions based on those indicators. But we like to question how those decision-making parameters have helped advance the collective interest of our nation and how it has helped launch the country into the level of being a developed nation. If they have not, then we challenge those decision-making parameters.

Public space leaders must be broad minded, sensitive to peoples ethnic and religious affiliations, but must not lead by pandering to those affiliations, particularly when it undermines merit and excellence.

Right leadership is the basis for any positive development in any society. Therefore, seek out the right leaders, irrespective of their ethnicity and religious affiliation.

(C) Joseph Ibekwe

Leadership Coach

FLED Leadership Institute, Abuja



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