3 Ways to Build a Great Life!


3 Ways to Build a Great Life!

By Joseph C. Ibekwe

You exist for a purpose. Youhave a life to live, and you have to build this life. An outstanding life doesn’t come by accident. You create it. The irony is that, whether you are deliberate or indiscriminate about life, one thing is true: you are building your life.

Being deliberate means taking the pains to decide what kind of life you want to lead, understanding what tools you require to build it, and on what to build your life around.

I want to assume you want to lead a quality life that offers you peace of mind, freedom to do things you love, and enough money to do many things at your discretion.
The tools you require to build this kind of life include but not limited to the following key values
* Honesty
* Responsibility
* Empathy
* Tenacity of purpose
* Broad-mindedness
* Boldness
* Business-like approach to life
* Hatred for revenge
* Believe in your creative uniqueness
* Flexibility within your values
* Love for nature and determination to enjoy life
* Accountability

There are other values, but these 12 are key. Once you deploy these values in creating your life, I can almost guarantee you will have a great life ahead.

There are two things you must build your life around.
You should build your life around God and People. Recognise that God created you and loves you. Get to know him more. The more you get close to him, the more you understand the blueprint of what your life ought to be. Just as a car manufacturer knows about the car more than the best mechanic, that’s the same way it is. Your maker knows more about you than whoever comes around to help fix the issues that may have arisen out of your life. Get acquainted with your maker – God!

You also need to build your life around people. People are the greatest resource on Earth. People are the most credible source of success in life. You people need to enjoy life. This world is designed in a simple but pragmatic way that you can’t make success out of life without the support of people. What then does it mean to build your life around people?

It means to put the best interest, the best possible benefit, and the welfare of people at the centre of whatever you do. You are professional in your field to serve the best of people that come to you for professional advice. You are in business to offer people the best quality product or service that will enable them to enjoy the highest possible life they can. You are in security service to protect the lives of citizens and ensure they enjoy maximum peace, and to wardoff from them, anything that will impede their enjoyment of peace within the law. You are in public office to serve public interest. The people are the public.


Treat people as humans, not as things: not as disposables. See people, first as humans, before you consider their colour, tribe, religion or sex. Understand what the basic needs of all humans are, and work to meet those needs in anyway you can.

If you decide on the kind of life you want to lead, and you apply the requisite values to building that life, and you build your life around God and People, there is no reason you will not enjoy long-peaceful of abundance. This is the kind of life I chose to lead. I’m building my life with this knowledge.

It doesn’t matter where you are at right now. You re-start and begin re-build your life. After all, it’s actually about how you started, but about how you finished off. I want to finish strong. You too can choose finish even stronger. It’s all about making the decision to live differently from the crowd around. You can enjoy a good life as long you know the tools and where to build.

Joseph C. Ibekwe
Life Coach & Author

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