Thoughts! Words! Feelings! 

Thoughts! Words! Feelings! 

There are three things that define us. They are thoughts, words and feelings.
We are thinking beings. That is one of our attributes that set us higher above other animals. We think. We think in pictures. We create those pictures in our minds. We think with those pictures. We hold the pictures up in our minds’ eye, we see possibilities.
Depending on the pictures you have, fear or faith will arise. Then you speak in faith or fear. Then your feeling takes over. Your whole being synchronizes. That’s how you were made to function.
You are responsible for your own thoughts. What you think is what you think. Nobody can be held responsible for what you think. You have a mind your own. The way you use it is your responsibility. 
You have your mouth to express your thoughts. What you say flows from what you think. Words reflect your personality. They show who you are. If you want to know who a person truly is, listen to them long enough on varied issues and in different occasions; when they are happy, when they are offended, when they feel cheated or disappointed; when things aren’t working out for them as they expected!
Words are powerful. Words have presence. Words are spirits. Spirits don’t die. Words live and live. That is why you must be mindful of what you say. Words create life and they can create death. You bless people with words, you also curse them with words.
Your feeling is exclusively yours. You feel the way you choose. Nobody is responsible for your feeling. If you feel sad, it’s because you chose to. If you feel happy, it’s because you chose to. Sometimes, situations might trigger feelings of sadness or happiness. But ultimately, you are responsible for the feeling you retain over whatever happens to you. 
You have to rise to take charge of your own feelings and stop blaming others for the way you feel. The day you take ownership of your feeling, that is the day you gain own freedom. If you don’t take charge of your own feelings, you will remain a slave to yourself and be tossed about by the whims and caprices of others.
Wise up! Grow up! Take Charge of Your Life. Incidentally, this is the title of my new book.
Take charge of your life. Stop living at the mercy of others. You can’t control what people think about you, what they will say about you, or how they feel about you. You met these people along the journey of your life. They don’t know you as much as you know yourself. Why then should you run your life based on what they think, say, or feel about you?
Think your thoughts. Speak your words. The words that reflect your personality as a decent person. Lay hold on your own feelings. Be happy because you have a right to be happy. Don’t be sad because someone decides to deride you, treat you with disdain or feels you’re nobody. That’s their problem. Not yours! You don’t have anything to prove to them. Live as simple as you can. 
Be a person of decent personality. You might not be a nice person, but be decent. There’s a difference. Nice people always want to do what might make them appear pleasant and acceptable in the public eye.
Decent people do what they know aligns with decency, but which might not make them cheaply pleasant. 
As you synchronize your thoughts and words with your feelings, and take responsibility for them, you will begin to enjoy greater ease of mind; greater liberty to do more with your life; and greater freedom to associate with others, without any sense of guilt or entitlement.
It’s nobody’s responsibility to make you happy or make you feel good. You take charge of that, in spite of negative words that might be thrown at you; the mistreatments you might receive. Stay strong and live life without guilt.
Everyone cannot celebrate you. Everyone cannot admire you. Everyone cannot appreciate your worth! And so what? If they don’t, other people will. Don’t begrudge them because they don’t value you. Move on!
If someone greets you, accept the greeting and move on. If they refuse to greet you, move on. Your life is not made better or worse by reason of someone else’s greetings. So, why bother about whether they greeted you or not.  Don’t be cynical. Greet people with excitement. 
The irony of life that oftentimes, your greatest critiques turn round to become your greatest allies. Be gentle as you close doors of relationship. Don’t bang the doors and say “to hell with you”. Only fools behave that way. You’re not a fool, therefore don’t act that way. 
Enjoy freedom. Enjoy peace! Enjoy who you are right now, while you work improve yourself. Let your thoughts, your words and feelings serve you and dignify you in life. 
And you know what? God stands around, watching over your thoughts, your words, and your feelings!
What goes round comes around. Be more deliberate with your thoughts and your words. Take charge of your feelings. Once you do this, you are undefeatable.
God bless your heart! 

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