Who Makes Society Great?

Who Makes Society Great?

 Joseph C. Ibekwe

The greatness of any society lies in each of the individual members of that society. But it is only a tiny minority members that eventually work to make that society great.

That tiny minority is what we call the leaders. Leaders are those who, in spite of all odds, rise up to take responsibility.

Taking responsibility means having an understanding of needs to be done, and taking steps to get those things done, without waiting for others or complaining about others. Leaders take responsibility. They do what they can, in spite of limiting circumstances. Leaders are mountain climbers – working against gravity, but determined to overcome the forces of gravity that exist to pull them down.

A society does not become great by wishing it becomes great. Things are done because you wish they are done. Problems are not solved because you wished they were solved. Things only change when you rise to enforce change. The enforcement of change must come from incremental actions, a little here, a little there; taken consistently.

The greatness of an organization or a group lies in each member thereof. Every member has work to do. Those that neglect to do their part of the work will eventually ceded their space to those who rise to responsibility. At every every turn in the society or in an organization, there arises opportunities for each member to take responsibility over certain situations. At such times, some will hide away, some will pass the buck, but some will take up the challenge to conquer the situation. Nature rewards conquerors. Systems reward conquerors.

Nature is fair. It offers equal opportunity to everyone to do something about the situation they see. The response to the situations might not be equal, because each individual has different capacity, what matters is what you did about the situation, based on the capacity you have per time. Of course, capacities could be improved upon, but everyone has capacity to do something about any situation they see. Leaders don’t shy away from situations. They confront them. They exert their capacities on the situation at the moment.

Leaders don’t wait until they have capacity to move a mountain before they can act on a hill. They begin by removing the sands, then the stones, then the hills, and then the mountains. That’s the way of leaders.

Do what you can with what you have right now. All you can do per time is enough for the time being. You are not expected to act beyond your capacity, but you’re not permitted to hide your current capacity. It’s the combined capacities of leaders that galvanize society into greatness. Leaders are thinkers, talkers and doers.

Be the leader! Take responsibility!

Congratulations 👏

Rev. Dr. Joseph Ibekwe

Lead Coach @

The Joseph Coaching International

Become a Public Leader at FLED Institute

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