Diversity Management in Leadership

How Leaders Manage Diversity Through Perspectives

Leaders are people. They have their views and they see things in certain ways unique to them, and differently from others.

One of the greatest challenge of leaders is ability to manage diversity. Diversity is the free gift of nature. An attempt to destroy diversity is equal to destroying nature. Instead of fighting nature, the wise and humble thing a leader should do is learn how to manage and maximize diversity.

But you cannot understand how to manage diversity if you don’t know to manage perspectives. Human beings are creatures of perspectives. We see issues differently. We also understand issues differently. The dept of our perspective draws from our experiences in life, our exposure, our educational, cultural and religious backgrounds. When you understand what influence your perspectives, you will be humble and tolerant of other people’s perspectives over the same issue(s).

This is an important lesson leaders or those in the school of leadership must learn. You see what you see. You observe what you observe. You interpret what you see and what you observe based on your educational, cultural, religious, and political bias. These are the realities. Because we all don’t have the same background in all things, it will be wrong to make an outright condemnation of someone who interprets or expresses an opinion in a way that does not align with ours.

On matters of public concerns, individuals must learn to be tolerant, humble, and tactful in responding to other peoples views. Leaders must learn how to manage diversity of views and opinion without being defensive, judgemental or dismissive.

In a complex diverse world, public space leaders must become deeply adept to the management of perspectives. One of the key factors that sustain perspective is interest: personal interest, selfish interest, or public interest.

A leader must understand what powers his or her perspective. It takes honesty to admit this, incidentally, honesty is one key expectation we should have on public leaders. A leader that is dishonest, will definitely not command the respect of the people. And a leader that lacks respect, lacks credibility and therefore can hardly win the support of the people to his or her vision or goals.

Leaders in the 21st century of information, but be aware of their perspectives to enable them effectively manage diversity.

©️Dr. Joseph C Ibekwe
Leadership & Life Coach.
FLED Institute, Abuja

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